Monday, July 20, 2009

So Proud of Him

Topping the list of exciting things at our house, is the fact that Gareth has a new job. Not a new company, but a new role. It's been over a year since Gareth first started thinking about a return to technical work and making a job change that would eventually give him more earning potential as our family continues to grow. But as the economy took a major nose-dive, and lay-offs began to hit far too close to home for comfort, it seemed that he wouldn't have the opportunity.

Then, in June Gareth's current employer announced a training and retention program aimed at assisting some of their brightest and best employees to become project engineers. Gareth was one of 5 applicants, interviewed with 4 different people and was chosen unanimously to be the 1st person to go through this training process. So, beginning in August Gareth will be a project engineer in training. He'll be in training for 18 months, but then should be ready to take on the role of a project engineer.I am so proud of him-his hard work, commitment to quality and going above and beyond are reaping rewards.

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