Saturday, May 22, 2010

Because You Asked....

I've had lots of phone calls and e-mails this week asking for the recipe for the potatoes from last week-ends' Senior Banquest. So, since you asked so nice.... With my apologies for the poor picture quality.

Hasselback Potatoes

6 medium-large potatoes (my personal preference for this recipe is Yukon Gold potatoes)
1/2 c. melted butter
freshly ground sea salt
freshly ground black pepper
parmesan cheese (optional)
panko bread crumbs

Wash potatoes, scrubbing well. If potatoes have tough skins, they can be peeled, but I prefer to use really nice thin-skinned potatoes and leave the skins intact. Slice a thin slice off the bottom of each potato so that it will sit flat. Insert a wooden skewer close to the bottom of each potato. Using a sharp knife, make slices across the potato the short way about 1/8 to 1/4 inch apart, making sure to cut down to the wooden skewer. (If you are very careful, you don't have to use the skewer, but it makes it a bit easier to not slice right through the potato.) Be careful to cut straight down, not at an angle, or you'll cut wedges out of the potato! When the potato is sliced, carefully remove the skewer and place the potatoes in a bowl of cold water. Allow the potatoes to rest in cold hour for at least one hour (this removes some of the starch so that the individual slices won't stick together). Preheat oven to 350. After soaking, remove the potatoes from the water, rinse again, place potatoes on a rimmed baking tray, and into oven for 5 minutes to dry them. Remove potatoes from the oven, dip in melted butter, return to baking tray. Sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste, and bake at 350 for 30 minutes. Remove from oven. Turn oven up to 450. Sprinkle with parmesan and bread crumbs. Spoon a little bit of the butter from the bottom of the pan over the top of the bread crumbs. Return to oven for 15-20 minutes until potatoes are soft and breadcrumbs are brown and crisp. Sprinkle with parsley and serve immediately.

*Sometimes I leave out the parmesan. Sometimes I add a little paprika. Sometimes I use onion salt instead of sea salt. Feel free to make it your own!*

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