Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Scenes From A Winter Snow Storm

Every winter since we moved to Oklahoma, we've had snow or ice and native Okies have told us, "This is really unusual. It never does this!" We no longer believe them :)

This is our 4th winter here, and this is how we've spent the last week!

It is beautiful! We have enjoyed looking at it. We've got 4 and 5 foot snowdrifts around our house and yard.

Then last night, it began to dump on us again. Thankfully, we only got 5-6 inches today. Gareth still didn't make it to work, but at least it wasn't like just north of here where they picked up 20 more inches!
Rosie and I have been sick, so we haven't been out and about playing in it, but the boys got to do some sledding and snow ball throwing. But even they are beginning to long for a bit of warm weather.
Thankfully, they're predicting 50 and 60 degree weather for the week-end, so maybe we'll melt some of this white stuff and get to play outside for more than 15 minutes before we're completely frozen!

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